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Privacy policy

Sadler's Wells Theatre auditorium

Sadler’s Wells is committed to being transparent about how we use your data. This policy explains how we gather and process your personal information.

Sadler’s Wells needs to collect some data about our customers in order to be able to operate.

When you interact with us we will collect data about you for a variety of reasons – for example, to provide a service to you (such as providing online booking), or to report to our sponsors and funders like Arts Council England.

Collecting data about transactions and booking preferences ensures that any communication that you have agreed to receive from us is appropriate, and enables us to market performances and fundraise more effectively.

Some of the information we request from you is optional and you can decide not to give it to us – we will let you know this when we request it.  If you do decline to give us those details it may limit the personalisation or services that we are able to offer – e.g., you may not get to hear about an event that we think you would be interested in.

We ensure that all of our activities that involve your personal data are carried out lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner.


We do request that any information that you give us is kept accurate and up to date.

You can amend your details in the following ways:

  • Directly within your online account (log in here)
  • By contacting the Ticket Office on +44 (0)20 7863 8000
  • By visiting us in person at Sadler’s Wells or The Peacock Theatre

If you gave us your data in relation to an application for one of our work opportunities please email

Updates to this policy

This policy is under regular review so may change at any time. We will notify you about significant changes by placing a prominent notice on our website(s), and/or by sending a notice to the primary email address you have provided to us.

By continuing to use our services you will be deemed to have seen and understood such changes.

The last update to this policy was made on 17th September 2024.

Our legal details

Sadler’s Wells Trust Limited (“Sadler’s Wells”) is a company limited by guarantee incorporated in England and Wales (Company No 1488786) with registered offices at Sadler’s Wells, Rosebery Avenue, London, EC1R 4TN.

Sadler’s Wells Trust Limited is a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales (No 279884).

We are registered on the Information Commissioner’s Office Data Protection Register, and are the Data Controller for the personal data that we hold and process.

We sell tickets, merchandise and streaming/video on-demand through the website, as well as selling and having performances at Sadler’s Wells Theatre and Lilian Baylis Studio in Angel, and the Peacock Theatre in Holborn. From time-to-time we may also host performances at other venues or temporary performance spaces.

If you have any further questions about this policy or any of our data processing activities please contact us, details are available on our feedback page.

The personal data we collect process or use is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy, the UK Data Protection Act 2018, and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (PECR), as amended.

How do we collect your personal information?

We collect information about you in the following ways:

From you directly

Most of the information about you we get from you directly, usually in the course of you purchasing something from us (like a ticket), by joining one of our marketing lists, applying for one of our work opportunities, or giving us feedback. We collect data directly from you when you:

  • Purchase tickets/merchandise/access to video content from us
  • Join one of our membership schemes
  • Make a donation
  • Sign up to our marketing lists
  • Apply for one of our work opportunities
  • Respond to one of our surveys
  • Raise a query or give us feedback

This may happen via our website, over the phone, or in person. We also get data from you if you take part in any surveys we may send you so we can learn more about you and your interests – however responding to these is optional.

From your use of our services

When you use our services we record details of this and the outcome, for example we retain a record of the things you have purchased from us, any donations you’ve made, and any memberships you may have had. When you visit our website or make a booking online we will also make a note of how you access our website (e.g. from a computer, or a mobile device), and what parts of our website you use, using “cookies” – our cookie policy has more information on this. We collect data about your use of our services when you:

  • Visit one of our websites (,
  • Purchase something from us (via our website, over the phone, or in person)
  • Join one of our membership schemes (via our website, over the phone, or in person)
  • Make a donation (via our website, over the phone, or in person)
  • Sign up to our marketing lists
  • Respond to one of our surveys

On our website we (as many organisations do) use programmatic advertising – this means that if you look at details for a show on our website you are more likely to see online adverts for this show when you visit other sites that use the same advertising platforms as us. We use information about your use of our services to offer assistance if we think it would be helpful – for example, if you start to purchase something on our website and are then not able to complete the purchase we may send you an email to offer help.

From your interaction with us on social media

If you interact with us on social media (for example to make a comment or ask a question), we may record the details of this interaction, particularly if you give us your personal data in relation to a booking query. Depending on your settings or the Privacy Policies of social media platforms you may be giving third parties (like ourselves) permission to access information from those accounts or services. Our access to information from social media platforms is governed by the preferences you have set and the platforms’ polices. If you have any queries about their use of your data you should read their Privacy Policies:

We also collect and track anonymised data on our social media audiences to better understand the ‘groups’ of people who engage with us online. We use this to ensure we engage with audiences and groups of people who are new to us.

From third parties

We may be given information about you by third parties that you have given your information to; for example if you purchase interval drinks via our app provider, see one of our shows on tour, book through a ticket agent, or make a donation to us through a donation portal. You should check the Privacy Policy of the third party to fully understand how they will use your data and how it will be shared with us. These are the ways that a third party may give your data to us:

Our shows on tour

If you watch any of our shows on tour and book with the hosting venue they may ask if you are happy for your details to be passed on to us. If they do send the data to us we will contact you within 30 days to let you know it’s been given to us.

Ticket agents

If you book a ticket to one of our shows via a ticket agent they will pass on some of your details to us so we can process your order and identify you should you have a query. We will not use these details for any marketing or fundraising communications unless we have your consent directly from you.

Fundraising sites

If you donate to us by using fundraising sites such as JustGiving or Virgin Money Giving they may also pass on some of your details to us.

From “public sources”

We will sometimes use data from other publicly published sources and combine this with what we already know about you. We will only do this in relation to our fundraising activity, and only in order to ensure that any fundraising approaches that we make are appropriate to what we believe is within your inclination and capacity to donate. We will only contact you with a fundraising approach or with an invitation to an event if we have your clear consent to do so. Our fundraising processes are consistent with the Fundraising Regulator’s Code Of Fundraising Practice. The sources that we may use will be publicly available and can usually be found through search engines like Google. Examples of the types of information we may be able to obtain:

  • Your biography on your employer’s website
  • Information published in mainstream media
  • Publicly published donor lists from other charities/arts organisations
  • Information from sources like Companies House or The Charities Commission.

We may also obtain information about you from individuals working on our behalf such as our development board.

What types of information do we collect?

We aim to collect the smallest amount of data about you that we need in order to either provide a service to you, or to meet our charitable aims. The exact data that we collect will depend on how you engage with us as an organisation- for example, we will collect different data if you join one of our marketing lists compared to purchasing a ticket.

Your name, contact details, and requirements

We will record on our systems your name(s) and how you would like to be addressed, and details of how we can contact you (e.g., address, email). We will also make a note of any information you give us if you have access needs, or if you book food with us and have any dietary requirements.

These are the details that we may record about you:

Your name
    • Your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx)

Your contact details
    • Your email address
    • Your postal address(es)
    • Your phone number(s)

Your requirements
    • Any access requirements
    • Any dietary requirements (if booking food)

Transactional details

When you purchase something from us or make a donation, we will record details of the payment method, and any Gift Aid declaration you make. We do not retain your full payment card details on our CRM systems, for more details on this please see under “Special types of information” below.

When you purchase something from us these are the transaction details that we will use:

If paying by card
    • Your payment (credit/debit) card details (these are not retained)
    • Your payment card billing address

If paying for a membership by Direct Debit
    • Bank account number and sort code
    • Bank name and branch details

For all purchases
    • Your Gift Aid preferences / declaration

Your interests/preferences

Our systems retain the history of the shows you have purchased tickets for, and the types of show you tend to purchase. If you interact with us on social media, those platforms may give us details of your interests and preferences – you should check their Privacy Policies for details of what they share with us.

These are the interests and preferences that we may record:

When purchasing a ticket
    • Show name
    • Show venue (e.g., Sadler’s Wells, The Peacock Theatre, or a venue on tour)
    • Show genre (e.g., ballet, contemporary, tango)
    • Type of ticket purchased (e.g., group or discount)

When purchasing access to video content
    • Show name
    • Show genre (e.g., ballet, contemporary, tango)

Social media

If you interact with us on social media, these are the items that may be given/visible to us:

    • Your social media handle/name/avatar
    • Details of other pages/accounts you have “liked” or “favorited”
    • Details of your preferences
    • Any other information that you have made public – which may include contact information

Your interactions with us

We may retain any correspondence that we get from you, whether that’s in the post or via electronic means such as email. We may also make a note of any conversations we have with you, either in person or over the phone – in particular in relation to any queries or feedback. If you give us consent to send you email for marketing or fund-raising purposes we will note if you open these emails, or click any links within them.  We do this in order to assess the effectiveness of our emails. If you respond to one of our surveys we will note that you responded – but your survey responses will not be linked to you as an individual. 

These are the types of interactions that we record on our systems:

When you use our website
    • The public IP address of the internet connection you are using to access our website (including geographic location)
    • The type of device you use to view our website (e.g., PC, mobile, its screen size, browser information, etc.)
    • Which pages you visit on our site (e.g., which show details you have looked at)
    • How much time you spend on each page and on our site in total
    • If you have an account on our system and login, your email address

When purchasing a ticket
    • Show name
    • Show venue (e.g., Sadler’s Wells, The Peacock Theatre, or a venue on tour)
    • Show genre (e.g., ballet, contemporary, tango)
    • Type of ticket purchased (e.g., group or discount)

When attending an event/show
    • Details of your registration/attendance

When responding to a survey sent by us
    • The date that you responded to the survey

If you have given us your consent to send marketing or fundraising emails
    • Which emails you have received
    • If you opened the email, when, and on what type of device (e.g.: PC, mobile)
    • Which links (if any) in the email you click

Your connections to other people

If you participate in a workshop or event, we may give you the opportunity to give us details of who should be contacted on your behalf in the event of an emergency. At your request, we will link your account on our systems with the account of other people living at the same address as you. Below are the details of your connections to other people that we may record on our systems:

Account linking and “households”

If you ask us to we can link your account on our systems to another account of someone living at the same address.

This will enable both of you to make bookings as if they are under the same account – so if one of you has joined one of our membership schemes both of you can use those benefits.

We will also use the information about this link to assist us with learning more about our audiences.

Special types of information

Some of the information that you give us, due to its nature, has more potential to cause harm if not handled correctly. Data protection law recognises that certain categories of personal information are more sensitive. This is known as “special category” data and covers health information, race, religious beliefs and political opinions.

We do not routinely collect special category data unless there is a clear reason for doing so – such as health details when taking part in a workshop or when submitting an application for our work opportunities. Any special category data we have about you we will only use if you have agreed to give it to us, and we’ll only use it for the purposes we told you about at the time we collected the data.

This is the special category data that we might request:

Health data

If you participate in an event or class or where we need this information to ensure that we provide appropriate facilities or support (for example recording any health conditions if you participate in a workshop), we will ask you for the relevant details – which you can decline to give us.

Diversity monitoring

We do send out surveys to assist us with our diversity monitoring, and we are required to report on this as part of our funding. These surveys will request some special category data but supplying this is optional. Any survey responses are anonymised and not linked to individual customer records. We occasionally use external agencies for this monitoring, if we do we will receive the information as anonymised, aggregated data.

Payment card information

We only collect payment card details for the purposes of processing a single transaction, or recurring transactions that have been pre-agreed and authorised by you. Card details are not retained on our systems, they are held by our payment processor on our behalf. We only have access to partial payment card details to enable us to respond to queries and track transactions.

Paying by card

If you use your payment card (credit or debit) to purchase something from us (either through our website, in person, or over the phone), we will ensure that this is done securely and in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. You can find out more information about PCI DSS here.

We do not store full card details on any of our systems. For the majority of transactions our payment processor will give us a transaction reference number, partial card details and a token representing your card details that we can use for refunds and any future payments/recurring payments authorised by you. This token is not your actual card number, it’s a unique reference number that can only be used by ourselves when you make a payment with us – if stolen it can’t be used elsewhere.

We will only use these tokens to process any agreed refunds, or payments/recurring payments where we have your authorisation to do so.

What do we use this information for?

We collect and use your data for a variety of reasons.

To provide a service to you

Some of the data we have about you we need in order to provide a service to you – such as when you purchase a ticket, sign up to one of our marketing lists, or apply for one of our work opportunities. Some information we request is not compulsory (such as your mobile phone number when purchasing a ticket), but if you do give it to us it enables us to offer further services (such as sending you e-tickets, or contacting you if a show has to be cancelled at short notice). If you do not wish to provide some of these details to us (in particular your email address, which is used to uniquely identify you on our systems) you will not be able to create an account for online ticket sales – but you can still purchase tickets over the phone by calling Ticket Office on +44 (0)20 7863 8000, or by visiting in person.

Services we provide, and the data we use to do so:

Selling tickets, memberships, video access & other merchandise
Your email address
  • Used to uniquely identify you on our systems
  • Used as your username for logging in to our website
  • Used to send you emails:
    • Details of your purchases
    • Inform you of any changes or updates to the event you’ve booked for
    • Send you reminders about your upcoming booking
    • Send you a post-show email to give you information about the show you have seen, and to invite you to participate in a survey
  • If you start to make a booking but are unable to complete it we may send you an email to offer assistance

We will only use your email address for sending you marketing or fundraising emails if you have given us your consent

Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx) Your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials We use this information so we can correctly address you in any correspondence with you, or over the phone or in person
Your postal address(es)
  • Used as your billing address for credit card purchases
  • Used for sending you tickets by post if you request this
  • Used for correspondence about your purchases/account, if we are unable to contact you via other means

We will only use your postal address(es) for sending you marketing or fundraising details if you have given us your consent.

Your phone number(s)
  • Used for correspondence about your purchases/account if we are unable to contact you via email, or if you have requested to be contacted by phone
  • Used to send you a text message with a link to your e-tickets
  • Used to send you a text message or call you in the event of a show having to be cancelled at short notice
Your payment card details
  • Used to process payments
  • Partial card details are stored for us to track transactions and respond to queries
  • Our payment provider gives us “tokenised” details to enable us to process future refunds and payments/recurring payments authorised by you
Your Gift Aid preferences / declaration Used to claim Gift Aid if declared, and to record your declaration
Details of other accounts you are linked to (other people living at the same address) Used for audience demographics, and to tailor the marketing information that we send you (if you have given us your consent to send marketing)
Your interests/preferences Used so we can tailor the information we send to you (if you have given us your consent to send you marketing).
Processing applications for work opportunities

If you apply to one of our vacancies via, this is the data that we will use:

  • Your email address
  • Your postal address
  • Your telephone number
  • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx)
  • Your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
  • Any other data entered by you on a form or page

To communicate with you about our work

With your consent, we will use your contact details to let you know about upcoming performances that we think you might be interested in.

If you give us your consent to contact you with marketing information, this is the data that we will use:

  • Your email address
  • Your postal address
  • Your telephone number
  • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx)
  • Your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
  • Details of other people living at the same address (if your accounts are linked)

We will also use what we already know about you (your purchase history, home address location, membership and/or donation history, email list sign-ups etc.) to only send you information that we think you will be interested in – this is sometimes known as “audience segmentation”.

To communicate with you about our fundraising activities and how you can support us

With your consent, we will use your contact details and what we know about you to contact you if we think that you might be willing and able to provide us charitable support.

If you give us your consent to contact you with fundraising information, this is the data that we will use:

  • Your email address
  • Your postal address
  • Your telephone address
  • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx)
  • Your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
  • Details of other people living at the same address (if your accounts are linked)

We will also use what we already know about you (your purchase history, home address location, membership and/or donation history, email list sign-ups etc.) to only send you information that we think you will be interested in – this is sometimes known as “audience segmentation”. We may also look at sources of publicly available data (as outlined previously) to gauge your likely ability and propensity to donate to charity.

To learn more about our audiences and their habits

We would like to know more about our audiences, to ensure that our work is reaching people who might be interested in it, and to gauge the effectiveness of our marketing and communications. We also have obligations towards our funders (such as Arts Council England) to be able to describe the nature of our audiences. As we are a charity we also have a need to raise our own funds, by appealing to people who we think have the inclination and capacity to donate to us.

This is the data that we will use in order to know more about you as an audience member:

  • Your postal address
  • Your ticket purchase history
  • Details of other people living at the same address (if your accounts are linked)
  • Your responses to any surveys we send you (although these are anonymised and not linked to individual customer records)
What legal reasons do we have for using your data?

For everything we do with your data (or the data we have about you) we need to have a legal reason. 

Below are the legal justifications that we use.

Things we do for legal or contractual purposes

Some of the use of your data enables us to fulfil an obligation to you – for example if you apply to work with us we will need your contact details to let you know about the progress of your application. Other things we do enable us to meet a legal requirement that we are under – for example, recording details of Gift Aid declarations for HMRC.

These are the “data processing activities” that we do in order to comply with a contract with you or legal requirement that we are under, and the data used for each:

Notifying you of significant changes to this Privacy Policy or our Terms and Conditions

A prominent notice will be shown on our website, but we may also contact you via email:

    • Your email address
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials

If we are unable to contact you via email we may also use:

    • Your postal address(es) or
    • Your phone number(s)

Processing purchases or responding to a request

Made via our website (or form on our website), over the phone, or in person.

    • Your email address
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Your postal address(es)
    • Your phone number(s)
    • Your payment card details
    • Your Gift Aid preferences / declaration
    • Any other data entered by you on a form or page

Processing applications for work opportunities

Made via

    • Your email address
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Your postal address(es)
    • Your phone number(s)
    • Any other data entered by you on a form or page

Processing Gift Aid declarations/donations
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Your postal address(es)
    • Your Gift Aid preferences / declaration

Processing donations
    • Your email address
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Your postal address(es)
    • Your phone number(s)

Processing membership details
    • Your email address
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Your postal address(es)

By joining one of our membership schemes (including Barclays Dance Pass) you get access to benefits like show discounts or priority booking – we will send information to let you know the dates that you are able to take advantage of these benefits.

Processing interval drinks orders
    • Your email address
    • Your telephone number
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials

Things we will only do when we have your consent

Some of our activity we will only do if we have your clear consent – such as sending you marketing information or contacting you about our fundraising work. Any consent you give us you can revoke at any time – either by logging into your account here, by calling the Ticket Office on +44 (0)20 7863 8000, or visiting us in person at Sadler’s Wells or The Peacock Theatre. In addition, any email that we send to you on the basis of your consent will have an “opt-out” link at the bottom, to enable you to change your preferences.

Below are the “data processing activities” that we will only do if we have your consent, and the data used for each. Where we ask for your consent for one purpose (such as sending you marketing information), we may also split this into separate consent for different methods (such as email/post/telephone). So if you give us consent for marketing via email we will not use your postal address, and vice versa.

Sending you marketing information by email
    • Your email address
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Details of your purchase history with us
    • Details of other people living at the same address (if your accounts are linked)

Sending you marketing information by post
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Details of your purchase history with us
    • Your postal address(es)
    • Details of other people living at the same address (if your accounts are linked)

Contacting you with marketing information by phone
    • Your phone number
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Details of your purchase history with us
    • Details of other people living at the same address (if your accounts are linked)

Sending you information about our fundraising activities
    • Your email address
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Details of your purchase history with us
    • Your postal address(es)
    • Details of other people living at the same address (if your accounts are linked)
    • Information we get about you from public sources

Transferring your contact details to the company whose work you have seen
    • Your email address
    • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
    • Your postal address(es)


With your consent, when visiting our websites we also use various cookies to make our websites work, provide us with analytics, and use functionality provided by third-parties. Our cookie policy contains full details. We have a separate cookie policy for vacancies and work opportunities.

Things we do where we believe we have a justifiable reason (known as “legitimate interest”)

Some of the usage of your data we do because we believe that we have a legitimate interest in doing so, that we believe doesn’t infringe your rights and freedoms. Where we have made this decision we have outlined our interests and balanced them against your interests and rights, and reached a conclusion that our activity doesn’t inconvenience you too much. As an example, we believe we have a legitimate interest in monitoring transactions in our systems to spot potential fraud, or monitoring who opens emails we send to track the effectiveness of our marketing emails. You do have the right to object to any of this processing, see “Your rights” below.

Below are the “data processing activities” that we do because we feel we have a legitimate interest in doing so.

Email to offer assistance with a booking

If you start to make a booking but are unable to complete it we may send you an email to offer assistance.

Post-show email

After you have seen a show we will send you an email that gives further information about the show and the critical response that it has received.

We will also invite you to take part in a (optional) survey to help us learn more about our audiences.

Email to invite you to participate in a survey

From time to time we may email you to ask you to take part in an audience survey, either carried out by ourselves, or by the company whose work you have seen.

This helps us (or the company whose work you’ve seen) learn more about audiences and their interests.

Participation in these surveys is entirely optional.

If the survey is carried out by the company whose work you’ve seen and you agree to participate, they may be able to link your responses to pseudonymised sales data that we have given them to record which show you saw at one of our venues.

Audience Segmentation

If we have your consent to send you marketing or fundraising information we will also use what we know about you (your purchase history, other people living at the same address, home address location) to only send you information that we think you will be interested in.

We also make use of services provided by outside agencies to give us aggregated information about our audiences and their make-up.

Research on prospective donors

In addition to using what we know about you (your purchase history, family members, home address location), we may also look at sources of publicly available data to gauge your likely ability and propensity to donate to us.

Monitoring email interactions

If we have your consent to send you marketing or fundraising emails, we will gather details about your interaction with those emails; if you opened them, when, on which device, and if you clicked on any links.

We do this to assess the effectiveness of our emails, and also to assist us in removing people from our mailing list who may not want to receive emails from us any more.

Systems testing

Before implementing a new version of our CRM system we will create a copy of our live data for internal testing and validation.

We use live data for this purpose as it will accurately reflect how the upgraded system will behave when deployed.

Systems backup and business continuity

We make copies of our CRM system (and the data within) for backup purposes, and to enable us to recover quickly on alternative systems in the event of an interruption to service.

Database cleansing

In order to keep our database accurate and relevant we may consult external services from time-to-time, such as National Change of Address.

Physical security at Sadler’s Wells and The Peacock Theatre

We make use of CCTV recording equipment in and around our premises for monitoring and security purposes

Fraud prevention

We monitor our systems and transactions for indications of potential fraudulent activity.

Who do we share your data with?
Companies your data may be shared with

We engage third-parties to assist us with some of our data capture and processing – these companies will only use your data for things that we have instructed them to do on our behalf. These companies may be based outside the UK or Europe.

We will also ask if you are happy for us to transfer your contact details to the company whose work you are seeing, to allow them to communicate with you directly. We may also share your pseudonymised purchase history with the company whose work you are seeing, for their own research purposes. They may ask us to send you an email on their behalf to invite you to participate in a survey – if you take part in this survey they may be able to link your responses to the purchase histories we have given them.

We do not sell or trade your personal data to third parties for any purpose.

Here are the companies that process data on our behalf, what they do for us, and the types of data they process:

Sending emails (marketing and transactional) & SMS (text messages) on our behalf
WordFly 1326 5th Avenue, Suite 800, Seattle, WA 98101, USA
Mailchimp The Rocket Science Group LLC, 675 Ponce de Leon Ave NE, Suite 5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA
Postmark ActiveCampaign LLC, 1 N Dearborn St FL 5, Chicago, Illinois 60602-4349

Data these companies process for us:

  • Your email address
  • Your phone number
  • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials

Processing online sales & CRM
Tessitura Network Ltd Hill House, Suite 163, 210 Upper Richmond Road, London, SW15 6NP, UK
Substrakt (Digital Stage only) Keyboard & Dreams, First Floor Rear Building, 34-35 Hatton Garden, London EC1N 8DX, UK

Data these companies process for us:

  • Your email address
  • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
  • Payment card details
  • Your card billing address
  • Your postal address(es)
  • Your phone number(s)
  • Any access requirements
  • Any dietary requirements (if booking food)
  • Your Gift Aid preferences / declaration
  • Bank details for Direct Debits

Sending e-tickets
Crowd Engage George Court, Bartholomew’s Walk, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB7 4JW

Data these companies process for us:

  • Your email address
  • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
  • Your phone number(s)

Crowd Engage also offer the option of purchasing refreshments and merchandise directly through their system.

Virtual waiting room/queue
Queue-it ApS Skelbækgade 4, 1. 1717 Copenhagen V, Denmark

Data these companies process for us:

  • Your email address (if optionally entered to save your place in the queue)

Sign-up and competition forms, surveys, and form processing
Jotform 111 Pine St. #1815 San Francisco, CA 94111, USA
Microsoft Ltd Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading, RG6 1WG, UK

Data these companies process for us (depending on form used and data entered):

  • Your email address
  • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
  • Your postcode
  • Your postal address(es)
  • Your phone number(s)
  • Access requirements
  • Dietary requirements
  • Survey responses (which may include sex and/or gender, age, ethnicity, health data, postcode, etc, if optionally given)

Processing card payments
Windcave ET.SS20, Hatfield House, 52-54 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9LX, UK
WorldPay WorldPay (UK) Ltd, The Walbrook Building, 25 Walbrook, London, EC4N 8AF, UK
Dojo/Paymentsense The Brunel Building, 2 Canalside Walk, London W2 1DG
Stripe 7th Floor, 211 Old Street, London EC1V 9NR, UK
Barclays 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP

Data these companies process for us:

  • Payment card details
  • Your card billing address (if provided)

Processing Direct Debit instructions
Bottomline Technologies (UK) 10 Aldersgate St, London, EC1A 4HJ, UK
Rapidata Services Ltd Pinnacle Station Way, Crawley, RH10 1JH, UK

Data these companies process for us:

  • Bank details (bank address, account number, sort code)
  • Name of account holder
  • Account holder’s address

Postcode lookup & address validation
Experian 80 Victoria Street, 6th Floor, Cardinal Place, London, SW1E 5JL,UK

Data these companies process for us:

  • Your postcode
  • Your postal address

Printing direct mail (brochures)
Romax Unit 2, City Cross Business Park, Salutation Road, Greenwich, SE10 0AT, UK

Data these companies process for us:

  • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
  • Your postcode
  • Your postal address

We will on occasion use different companies for one-off mailings – however we will always select a reputable direct mail company.

Printing membership cards
Membership Plus The Pavilion, Stormont Estate, Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, BT4 3TA, Ireland

Data these companies process for us:

  • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
  • Your membership level & expiry

Providing us with audience analytics, segmentation and data insights
Purple Seven IC2.5, Coventry University Technology Park, The TechnoCentre, Puma Way, Coventry, CV1 2TT, UK
The Audience Agency Green Fish Resource Centre, 46-50 Oldham Street, Manchester, M4 1LE, UK
Baker Richards Consulting Ltd 14/15 Orwell House, Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0PP, UK
JCA Arts Marketing Jacobson Consulting Applications, Inc., 575 8TH Ave FL 12, New York, NY 10018, USA

Data these companies process for us:

  • Your email address
  • Your preferred title/honorific (Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Mx), your first name, last name, and any middle names/initials
  • Your postal address(es)
  • Your phone number(s)
  • Your purchase and donation history

Providing us with website performance/analytics & cookie-based programmatic advertising services

Company details are listed on our cookie policy.

Data these companies process for us:

  • Your IP address
  • Details of the device you use to access our website (browser details, etc.)

Providing us with programmatic advertising services
Thirty-One Circles Ltd The Gallery, 14 Upland Road, London, England, SE22 9EE

Data these companies process for us:

  • Your IP address
  • Details of the device you use to access our website (browser details, etc.)
  • Your email address
  • Your pseudonymised purchase history with us

Providing us with backup and disaster recovery services
Microsoft Ltd Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading, RG6 1WG, UK

Data these companies process for us:

  • All personal data on our systems

Providing us with applicant tracking services and recruitment
The Access Group
Armstrong Building, Oakwood Drive, Loughborough University Science & Enterprise Park
Loughborough, LE11 3QF

Data these companies process for us:

  • Applications for work opportunities and any data submitted during that process
Countries where data might be shared

For financial and technical reasons some of the suppliers we use will transfer and process the data we give them in datacentres that are outside the UK or European Economic Area (EEA).

When we select a service supplier based outside the UK/EEA we take steps to ensure suitable safeguards are in place to protect your personal information, such as using suppliers that have contract terms approved by the UK/EU.

As an international venue we also work with companies that are outside the UK/EEA – however we will only share your data with them with your express consent (requested at the time of purchase).

These are the suppliers that we use that are based outside the UK/EEA, and the privacy safeguards we have in place to ensure that your data is processed on an equivalent basis to European law:

Suppliers that process data in approved countries

The suppliers below may process data on our behalf in data centres based in a country that the ICO has agreed provide an adequate level of protection for personal data.

no suppliers at present

Suppliers that comply with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework program and UK Extension

The suppliers below may process data on our behalf in data centres based in the United States, in compliance with the Data Privacy Framework program (and the UK Extension) to ensure data protection that is consistent with UK law.

JCA Arts Marketing Details in their Data Privacy Framework Notice, verify by searching for “JCA” at Data Privacy Framework listings

Suppliers that use “model contracts” or “standard contractual clauses”

The suppliers below process data on our behalf by using standard contractual clauses in their agreement with us that have been approved by the ICO or EU.

Quantcast International Limited Details in their Privacy Policy
WordFly Details in their Data Processing Addendum
Mailchimp (The Rocket Science Group LLC) Details in their GDPR statement, details of their Data Processing Addendum that we have agreed to
Google Analytics Google’s Data Processing Terms that we have agreed to.
JotForm Details in their GDPR statement, example of their Data Processing Addendum that we have agreed to
Postmark Details in their Data Processing Addendum
How long will your data be kept?

Your data will be kept only for as long as needed for the purposes that it is used for.  Exactly how long will depend on what we are using the data for, and on your level of engagement with our services.

For example, if you sign up to one of our marketing lists and we notice that you have not opened any emails from us for an extended period we may email you to ask if you would like to keep hearing from us.  If you do not respond, we will then stop sending you emails, but we will keep any account that you have on our systems open and available to you.

If you have an account on our systems for making purchases we will retain your details for seven years after the most recent purchase, or one year if there are no purchases – unless you have also opted in to receive emails from us and we can see you are opening those emails.  We will contact you before closing your account to let you know.

Here are the details of how long we’ll keep your data for:

Marketing lists

If you sign up to one of our marketing lists but haven’t made a purchase with us (so you don’t have an account on our systems), we will retain your details for as long as we still have your ongoing consent and can see that you are engaging with the emails we send you (opening them or clicking links).

If we notice that you have not opened marketing emails from us for an extended period, we may email you to ask if you would like to keep hearing from us. If you do not respond after a month, we will then send you one final email to say that we will stop sending you emails, and we will update our systems to show that we do not have your consent to send you those emails.

If we no longer have your consent we may retain your details on a suppression list to ensure that we continue to comply with your wishes.

Your account on our systems

If you have an account on our systems for making purchases (either created by yourself via our website, or created by us on your behalf when you make a purchase over the phone or in person), we will retain your details for seven years after the most recent purchase or donation, or one year if there are no purchases.

If your account is linked to another account (a “household”) we will retain all linked accounts if there is recent activity on any of them. If you are signed up to one of our marketing lists, we will keep your account on our systems active regardless of your purchasing activity until such time that we no longer have your consent (see “Marketing Lists” above).

If we are about to remove your details from our systems we will contact you to let you know and to give you the opportunity to have the account remain as it is.

Website analytics data

We use various services to provide us with statistics about how people use our website. The data that they provide us is not used to identify any particular visitor to our website.  Full details of our providers and links to their Privacy Policies (which outline retention periods)  are available in our cookie policy.

Applications for work opportunities

The application tracking system we use retains personal data for 12 months, at which point it is automatically deleted.


Any feedback you give to us, either via email, post or verbally we will note in your account on our systems. This will be retained as outlined above.

Your Rights

As well as the right to be informed about the data we collect and what we use it for (which this Privacy Policy outlines), you also have several other rights under data protection regulations.

Right Of Access

You have a right to ask if we hold information about you, and if we do you have a right to request a copy of that data.

You have the right to obtain a copy of the data that we hold about you, as well the right to obtain from us confirmation if we have personal data about you.

If we do have data about you, you have the right to know:

  • The purposes we have used your data for
  • The categories of data concerned
  • Details of any recipients to whom your data has been (or will be) disclosed
  • Details about how long we will store your data (or what criteria we use to determine this)

Should you wish to exercise this right we request that you contact us and provide:

  • The email address on your account


  • The postcode of the address in your account
  • The last four numbers of the phone number in your account

Additionally, please provide as much information as possible about the nature of your contact with us to help us locate your records.

Details of how we can be contacted are on our feedback page.

We will respond to your request within one month, and we may need to request further details from you to validate your identity and request.

Do note that if we feel that the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive we reserve the right to decline your request – if we do this we will write to you to let you know.

Right of Rectification

You have a right to correct any information that we have about you that is incorrect.

You have the right to correct any inaccurate information we have about you. If you notify us that the data we hold about you is incorrect we will stop using it until we have verified its accuracy (also known as the “right of restriction”).

You can do this in a variety of ways – either by logging into your account here, by calling Ticket Office on +44 (0)20 7863 8000, or by visiting us in person at Sadler’s Wells or The Peacock Theatre.

Right of Erasure

In certain circumstances, you have the right to ask us to remove data we have about you. 

You have the right to request that we erase the information that we hold about you, unless we need to retain it for legal reasons (such as details of a Gift Aid declaration (including cancelled Gift Aid declarations)), technical reasons (if you have asked us not to contact you or process your data we will need to store your information on a suppression list to ensure that we comply with your wishes), or we have an outstanding obligation to you (you have booked tickets to an upcoming show).

Should you wish to exercise this right we request that you contact us and provide:

  • The email address on your account


  • The postcode of the address in your account
  • The last four numbers of the phone number in your account

Additionally, please provide as much information as possible about the nature of your contact with us to help us locate your records.

Details of how we can be contacted are on our feedback page.

We will respond to your request within one month, and we may need to request further details from you to validate your identity and request.

Do note that if we feel that the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive we reserve the right to decline your request – if we do this we will write to you to let you know.

Right to Withdraw Consent

If we ask for your consent to do something (like send you marketing emails), you have the right to revoke that consent at any time.

If we have asked for your consent to do something with your data you have the right to withdraw this consent at any time, and we will stop using your data for that purpose.

If you wish to do this you can in a variety of ways – either by logging into your account here, by calling Ticket Office on +44 (0)20 7863 8000, or by visiting us in person at Sadler’s Wells or The Peacock Theatre.

Every email that we send you on the basis of your consent will have an opt-out/unsubscribe link that you can also use to revoke your consent.

Right to Object & Restrict processing

You have the right to object (or prevent) any processing we do where we feel we have a justifiable reason.

Some of the things we do with your data we do because we believe that we have a legitimate interest in doing this and we believe that it doesn’t outweigh your rights and freedoms.

However you do have the right to object to our use of your data for this purpose. If you do object we will not process your data for this purpose while we are assessing your objection.

Should you wish to exercise this right we request that you contact us and provide:

  • The email address on your account


  • The postcode of the address in your account
  • The last four numbers of the phone number in your account

Additionally, please provide as much information as possible about the nature of your contact with us to help us locate your records.

Details of how we can be contacted are on our feedback page.

We will respond to your request within one month, and we may need to request further details from you to validate your identity and request.

If after examining your claim we believe that your rights and freedoms have not been infringed we may decline your request, if we do this we will write to you to let you know.

Right to lodge a complaint

In the first instance we would ask that you contact us first so we have an opportunity to put things right, but ultimately you have the right to lodge a formal complaint with the regulator.

If you are unhappy with how we deal with your personal information in the first instance we suggest that you contact us directly so we can investigate the matter by calling Box Office on +44 (0)20 7863 8000, or by visiting in person.

If you wish to make a formal complaint to us we request that you do so in writing, details of how we can be contacted are on our feedback page.

If you are subsequently unhappy with our response you can contact The Information Commissioner’s Office, via their online reporting system: